torsdag, april 30, 2009

Snart sommar.

2 kommentarer:

  1. hata sommar!!! ;)
    Mamma kommer ensam ;)

  2. i,

    I saw your article and I wanted to contact you about my case.

    I am Andrew Wang, Thor's father. I moved away with my son because I had to protect him from harm. The legal system in the US failed to do so.
    Thor was being abused by Maria Danielsson and she's been covering it up. Please see me website and see for yourself.

    Please see my website:

    Please see the pictures, look at the receipts, read the statements from and see for yourself who Maria Danielsson really is.
    Maria Danielsson drunk large quantities of alcohol while she was breast feeding Thor. She hurt him in order to blame it on me. She misused the support funds for Thor to buy tattoos, expensive bags, etc. In Maria's own blogs, she's talking about taking antidepressants with cough medicine to see if she can get LSD? And then she talks about committing suicide. I am very worried about my son Thor being with her.

    Help me protect Thor from harm.

    Andrew Wang
