Av ryska tjejer... Här är ett som kom idag..
Hallo!!! I hope to you it will be pleasant to receive attention from the Russian girl and you will not disregard my letter. I the lonely Russian girl and very much want to find even the friend... Certainly, I hope to find the man for romantic relations, but I think, what even the friendship can destroy my loneliness... Write to me in any case...You have very much liked me. I very much would want to get acquainted with you closer. To receive pair a photo from you it would be fine. Write to me on email: lonelymarina80@yahoo.com. I shall be glad to answer you. My name is Marina. I live in Moscow.
såna här mail får jag kanske 3 i månaden av olika ryska tjejer... Får ni sånt?
Jäpp, fick exakt samma mail idag. Jag får också X-antal liknade mail i månaden...
Fick exakt detta mejl nu på morgonen i brevlådan. Jag får cirka 1-2 sådana här typer av mejl i månaden. /micke
SvaraRaderai get this mail too is this a virus?
SvaraRaderaplease answer on english :-)
I think it´s a russian girl who want a man to take care of her.. I don´t think it´s a virus. Maybe she don´t care about who the man is she just wanna get away from a poor russia and come to a rich land. What do you think?
SvaraRaderahmm good question... i kinda don't know what to think of it put i think it's pretty funny that she writes the same to all men :-D
SvaraRaderai've asked her from where she has my mail adress and she wrote back:
When I started to write the first (to me the girlfriend helped to write) the letter to me there was nobody to send the message and the girlfriend has gone to any agency and has found your address and you have answered. But I have not remembered agency. I also have got acquainted so with you
but i never gave my adress to an agency XD
Hahahaha Why?? I think it´s really desperatly in russia or what do you think? I´ve got a new mail for a few days ago
It´s really nica girl.. But i´m a women.. i don´t think i want to answer them...
i´m married too and got 2 children hehe. I´m not interested of the russian girl more then cleaner.. hmmm. Where do you live? Are you a man or a women?
typisk dating scammer
SvaraRaderasamma bilder skickas av olika id, om ni kommer in google under rubriken "dating scammer" hittar ni bilderna av olika tjejer...